Random Thoughts About the future

As artificial intelligence takes hold of the world we will continue to see the roles of human beings be marginalized to the point where, eventually, only half of the worlds population will be working at a ‘traditional’ job. Soon there will be driver-less cars and trucks. After that we will see robots coming off of the factory floors and integrating into the fabric of society. Social Media is already being used to track a persons movement and the surveillance will continue to worm it’s way into our private lives. Eventually, I can see robots integrating so well into society that they will likely be able to paint an original painting better than a human. The world of the future will look completely different as compared to the agrarian society of the past. We will have gone from the steam engine, to the telephone to the computer to robots all within 100+ years. It’s only a matter of time until a banana duck-taped to a wall will be seen as the last token gesture of a free society.

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