Getting ready to show some new small works at Art Works Downtown in San Rafael, CA. I created the designs for these pieces using Autocad, cut the shapes with a laser cutter and assembled them. They are mixed-media pieces that incorporate a variety of woods, papers, cork, linen, etc. as well as wet media.

The Small Works Exhibit

November 18, 2023–January 20, 2024
Thursday–Saturday, 1–8pm:
 public hours
December 8, 5–8pm: reception and 2nd Friday Art Walk
January 12, 5–8pm: reception and 2nd Friday Art Walk

Theme: Art Works Downtown invites artists to share their gift of creativity in The Small Works Exhibit, an annual offering of quality fine-art to holiday shoppers and the art-loving public. This dynamic showcase will feature over 80 unique artworks in the award winning Gallery 1337.

Juror: Eleanor Harwood, Owner and Director; Eleanor Harwood Gallery

Domus Series 8 - In The Garden

8” x 8” x 0.5” deep

Wall Sculpture/Assemblage/Mixed

Media on Panel

(Oil, Acrylic, Cork, Paper)

Copyright 2023

Catalog #A23.019

Domus Series 8

Domus Series 8 - Dusk

8” x 8” x 0.5” deep

Wall Sculpture/Assemblage/Mixed

Media on Panel

(Oil, Acrylic, Linen, Paper)

Copyright 2023

Catalog #A23.020

Domus Series 8


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